Thursday, May 5, 2011

The trouble with spelling is.....

I should tell you that it has taken me 1000 GO'S to spell 'Tribeca' right....I mean seriously, you would have thought (working there everyday) that one would know how to spell it, but no, not me, it's the age old question of one or two c's.....ITS JUST LIKE THE E BEFORE THE I .....or the I before the E.....people with English degrees....nay..... English GCSE's are flabbergasted at my atrocious spelling and misuse of grammer (my god I just spelt grammar wrong)....which is why most of the people with blogs DID an English degree or an A-Level or something of the like....I did not. Nope. I got to English AS Level  read 'The Bell Jar' and quit... it was NOT for me.....I will never understand words like........experiential....or ..... purporting.....

From Left Tamsin Holeran, Me and Hollie Jones at Tribeca Film Festival
Anywho....the reason I bring up because OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!! I went to the 'Tribeca Film Festival', nay, not JUST the film festival but the RED CARPET and I filmed it.....YES...filmed it! For my 'journalist' friend (Tamsin Holleran, works for Joonbug and has a very lovely blog; '' which I thoroughly recommend), right shameless promo over back to business.....YES filmed all sorts of 'celebs'.....ummmmmm...Robert De Niro walked past me......and i spoke to his kids.... they were darling, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Ryan Phillippe, Eva Mendes (she touched my arm), Scott Adsit (30 rock if you didn't know already), Will Ferrell (just walked past) ummmmm KINGS OF LEON (did an interview with one of their dads) anyone impressed I know why, it's because I have no proof, well allow me to change all that as I HAVE VIDEOS!!!! Which I will upload in the following blogs....

But before all that allow me to let you in to the secret world of 'press' is as dull as shit.....for the most part, then it gets very exciting and you get all giddy on something called 'adrenalin', and things. get. bitchy.
First of all you are all crammed into a pen (much like little piglets) in RANK order, which meant that we were always at the end (except for one time whereby I lied and said we were with the New York Times....I got in trouble for that....) then you stand around for a bit.....then a bit more......then a bit more after that till your cankles hurt, but THEN celebrities start to arrive.....I cannot quite describe how exciting it is to SEE an actual celebrity....I can completely relate to all those screaming 'Beiber' or 'RPatz' fans, bacause when I saw celebs the only question I could let fall out of my ever gaping gob was...'hub uh de WHO ARE YOU WEARING????'....which is considered 'low brow' journalism...and I got a LOT of stinkeye in that piglet pen...I can tell you....well, maybe hard hitting journalism isn't for me....

But overall, I loved my time with the high's a little tit bit though...Eva Mendes wears A LOT of make-up,  and all those women who we look at in magazines and are agog at with jealousy, well, all I can tell you is, I saw a lot of bruises on legs, blemishes, spots, misplaced eyelashes and wrinkles.... I mean none of them were FAT unfortunately (which I was really hoping some of them would be) but all I can say is, girls...and metrosexual boys, don't worry, not even famous people are perfect....but it would be nice to have a few more chubby ones....

Do stay tuned for my videos edited and filmed by yours truly!


  1. Yeah, you spelled my name wrong.

  2. Well that makes sense doesn't it.....considering the title....
