Friday, August 15, 2014

When it's your best friends Birthday

Some of us have 1 best friend, some of us have many, some of us have... none. But let's not focus on that right now. When it's your best friends Birthday there is a lot of pressure to... write the best facebook post, give them the best present, sing happy birthday the loudest, do the most shots with them, stay out the latest and fend all of their other best friends off with a stick shouting... 'SHE IS MINE', just like Gaston did in Beauty & the Beast... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Here are the stages of getting older with yo bezzie;

1. You both grapple for the attention, no matter who's birthday it is

2. You will try to get each other as drunk as possible

3. Only 1 of you will win

4. Whoever is younger, will remind the other, incessantly

5. You experience palpitations about giving her your well thought out gift, because you know you're in for a world of pain if she don't like it

6. You will ruin all of her selfies

7. If anyone throws shade at her you will jump on them like a freight train


8. You do anything she asks of you, even if it means making out with a melon

9. At the end of the night, you will be the one holding her hair back

10. You continue to be the best friends ever


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