I have spent most of the morning, talking, shouting, crying, banging, and chain smoking because of one word, can you guess it... MONEY!!
The ever unhelpful people at Santander have ALL MY MONEY and insist on keeping it, to themselves, without any form of guidance or advice for me as to how to get it, which means, that i am currently in America, penniless, not homeless, but with no means of funds to be able to buy shampoo!
I also get paid only every 2 weeks, which means my measly $400 goes literally in days given the amount I owe people from the week before, and so on, and so on! ITS A NIGHTMARE!! And its scary, man chasing you down the street with a bank statement scary, not i'm gunna kill ya' scary! But still, STRESSFUL!!
I find, that I have NEVER been good with money, a fact my mother knows all too well, having to of bailed me out atleast 10 times, truly without her i would be lost...LOVE YOU MUMMY!! But my addiction to Lush products, parma ham, and an ever so slight drinking problem along with a severe retail habit means that... I get into trouble quite alot... I remember watching 'Confessions of a shopaholic' and thinking, 'Eh, that ain't so bad'. The only thing that comforts me in these hours of worry and heart palpataions, is that, there are people out there worse than me... for one.... my father, having countless divorces, a taste for handmade shoes and living an Opera stars lifestyle on a freelancers budget has led him to a whole world of high interest credit cards, two mortgages, and umpteen court orders, truly such a role model!
But in a world which promises you lifestyles of the rich and famous for only 2%APR it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to refuse, and you find yourself handing over cards, with the words 'CHARGE IT' ringing in your ears, I mean is there any better feeling than buying that 'new little black dress' for Friday night, except that usually i buy the dress, don't try it on, discover it doesn't fit, and it then sits behind my door for a year, before i give it to Oxfam, or Red Cross... In hindsight, mistakes have been made, but you would THINK i would LEARN FROM THEM!
This weekend I am going to Boston, and in all honesty, I am dreading it, only because, i know i will spend my entire wage attempting to keep up with people who brought their entire life savings to party here, have no money for the next two weeks and attempt to live on a dollar a day (surprisingly enough i can do this!) The problem with this experience is you feel that having only a year in New York, you must experience everything and constantly be having an amazing time, so as to justify to your friends that ...'yes, it was worth the 6,000 debt and inferiority complex'. In New York there IS always something to do, but that something is ALSO expensive, and being on minimum wage, but acting like a young professional means there is little or no money to do this with!
For example... I am this weekend, paying for;
A christmas weekend in Vermont - $100
Weekend away in Boston - $ 150
My travel Card - $50
Money owing to freinds - $12
Shampoo & Food - $20
And countless other things i will never be able to afford,
So all in all $332 gone in 1 weekend... leaving me 60 odd dollars to last me 2 weeks...
Whoever thought that moving to New York with no money was a good idea... IS A FOOL!
yes! xxx