Last night, after a, lets say difficult day at work, especially after the words, 'potentially fired' were thrown around, I wondered home in the rain, with my sodden ballet pumps, the lyrics of Nilson roaming in my mind, I began to believe i was featuring in a Meg Ryan movie, oh it was SO HOPELESS ROMANTIC OF ME!
The rain, the tragedy of it all, so i dragged myself into a bar, to drown my sorrows with a glass of delicious red wine, little did i know that this would be one the most enchanted evenings of my life!
I was literally met with a candlelit bar, the barman rubbing a dirty glass, and some acoustic tunes being played quietly at the back... i was in heaven! Sat on a tall bar stool, the barman began to chat to me (irish barman of course!) and we deliberated on being a foreigner in this audacious city and his stories of 6 ft 5 trannies dancing on the bar top slowly started to bring me out of my melancholy!
After the 2nd glass of wine, (which was given to me FREE) in exchange for more chat, I happily told the bar man of my lust for singing, and then out of nowhere, there i was, a piano in front of me, strangers all around, vying to remember some chords of a song my mother once taught me... that song, to the enjoyment of the tiny crowd was...'isn't she lovely'. I cannot quite describe (atleast accuratly) the feeling of singing to a tiny crowd, on your own, with just a piano for company, it was thrilling and I began to appreciate how New York can turn your day around, it can sweep the rug from under you as well however, but that's another story.
After my little applause, i felt COMPLETELY lifted, and surreal! After i got talking to some delightful American singer who had done a set previous to me, he reminded me of those audacious singers from American Idol, filled with an internal sense of belief and drive, it was nice to come across some real American arrogance, in its own way, its slightly indicative of American culture, and all they've achieved.
Having had some full bodied red wine, i was as happy as a jay bird, and stepped out to have a cheeky cig, there on the 'sidewalk' i came across 3 full bodied gay trannies, huddled together like pink flamingos nattering away... 'ooooh gurl, look at that ass, ya'll strut honayyyyyy', 'ah' i thought to myself these are my people! As i started giggling to myself they couldn't help but notice by jubbly belly hoofing in and out as they exchanged superlatives, before i knew it, we were talking about TRUE BLOOD of all things, saying the words 'SOOKIE' over and over like it were heroine! But knowing that work awaited me the next day... I dragged my sorry ass home, AND it was only 9 O'clock!!
Oh the joy of coming home to an empty apartment! I just let rip, Liza, Christina, Cher & Judy all joined in as i wailed through my favorite diva collections, and i thought back....back to my time in Newcastle, and how much i missed Sven, the little gay pidgeon i hold so dear, the ray of sunshine with his buck teeth, the little package of hilarity that runs through his bones... i miss him RIGHT NOW! This moment! People rarely find soul mates... and he is mine.
Today is a dark day... the day my love affair with Nate ended... today he told me... he has a girlfriend! Oh the SHAME OF IT ALL!! All those lustful looks... all those 'misplaced hands', i never even had a hope... well, whomever his 'special lady' is I WISH YOU NO JOY!....Oh only kidding, of course i do... but your very lucky whoever you are! Having had this tremendous blow, I did something terrible, something dark and something i promised NEVER TO DO!! ...
I am now an internet dater...
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