In my 26 years I have managed to acquire some key life hacks that make the day a little shorter, life a little brighter and my purse a little lighter. Because sometimes, you need a little magic in your life to take the pain of everyday annoyances (like brushing your teeth) away.
Without further ado here a few quick fixes to some everyday irritations;
1. The quick fire roast dinner
So, you've promised your mum/siblings and extended family members a delicious meal on Sunday, because you need to butter them up after a particularly horrifying family gathering you embarrassed them all at. No problem right? No really, it's NO problem at all, because all you have to do is hot foot it down to the Supermarket, pick up a £5 rotisserie chicken, some Aunt Bessie's ready made roast potatoes and parsnips & some frozen peas... you're looking at a total of £8 and around 4 minutes preparation time (literally remove wrapping and place in oven) YOU'RE WELCOME GREAT BRITAIN!
2. Rapid hair hack
It's Wednesday, you can't be bothered to shower because..urgh, showering right?! Well don't worry because your greasy mop can quickly be turned into a beautiful mane of loveliness with just two things. Dry shampoo & Kirby grips. After a good spray, (and I mean a good heavy spray) and brush out, twirl your front bits (ya little curtain) into makeshift braid and pin just above your ears, you'll look adorable, no worries!
3.Stinky jean fix
Jeans humming? No time to wash them? No worries just shove them in the freezer for half an hour! N.B do not place them next to your ice tray...
4. I want everyone to hear ma new jam
You're in the park/living room/garden and you want everyone else to appreciate Beyonce's newest #1, easy, get a glass, put your phone in it, BOBS YOUR UNCLE FANNY'S YOUR AUNT you've got some home made speakers...
5. My wine is warm
...and I DON'T want to water it down with ice. No problem man, just put some grapes in the freezer and pop them into your wine glass once crispy & cold. You're welcome.
6. My face won't stop being all greasy
It's okay, just ask your friend who smokes for a rizla & dab it all over your greasy face. Those things absorb grease like its nobodies business. They're 20p a packet so well worth an investment. Available at all local convenience stores.
7. My phones about to DIE!!!
Just put it on airplane mode you crazy technology addict.
8. How do I create that cool ripped jean look?
Get yo self a cheese grater, and go WILD on those things! (Really great if you've just been dumped, pretend those jeans are his stupid, fugly face).
9. My trousers are too long
If you're not gifted with a needle, roll up the bottom of the legs so the outside of the fabric faces inside the hem and keep in place with some Kirby (hair) grips.
10. We've run out of plates
You know that white polystyrene thing that comes underneath the pizzas, which you may have accidentally cooked one time? YEAH! Well, once your pizzas are cooked just place right back on them, slice & dice and you've got yourself a big old plate ready to go, which you don't have to wash up afterwards.
11. Microwave for two
Think you can't fit two bowls in the microwave? Think again. All you need is a mug, balance one bowl on top of the mug with the other bowl by the side and you've got something beautiful coming your way.
12. Quick snack
All you need for this is a tub of Ben & Jerry's and a packet of giant cookies. Slice the tub B&J's with a bread knife and place each slice in between two cookies. You my friend have just enjoyed an ice cream sandwich.
13. Choosing an outfit in the morning
I have nothing to wear!!! I hear you scream whilst you throw all your clothes everywhere at 8a.m DON'T WORRY! Somewhere in there is the outfit of your dreams you just don't know how to style it yet. Go to pinterest, type in your specified outfit, i.e cute work outfit / cute date outfit / cute FREAKIN outfit and you'll find out how to turn a black t-shirt, culottes and dockers shoes into the look of a fashion bloggers dreams.
14. Fresh sheets
Someone kinda sexy is coming over, BUT YOU HAVE NO TIME TO WASH YOUR SHEETS! Breathe. Get some talcum powder and liberally apply over your bedding. Top tip: get a classy brand of talc for extra classiness, I personally love Lush's dusting powders.
15. How to correctly open a banana
Prepare for your mind to be blown. You've been doing it wrong all these years...
If you've got a life hack you wanna share tweet me @sophiawho and we can totally be twitter buddies! Yay!
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