As I am currently watching the EVER amazing homage to Feminism in the 80's '9 to 5' I suddenly feel COMPELLED to write about my favourite subject...female empowerment and the feminist revolution. I am constantly amazed and astounded by my feminist compatriots; Germaine Greer, Caitlyn Moran, The Suffragettes, Nora Effron and even Dolly Parton. I cannot FATHOM how brave these women were to stand up at the HEIGHT of the patriarchy and call BULLSHIT ON THE BULLSHIT!
I am AMAZED by women.
Women, are brave, fierce warriors who look on bigots, and are never I the only person who's recently stood up and said FUCK YEAH FEMINISM! Granted, we've come a long way from the 80's, NAY, even the 20'S! And I just want to say THANK YOU ladies of the past, thanks for being brave enough to say, we're not gunna take this bullshit, we are meant for more than the home, more than the ironing, more than thanklessly slaving over a stove for husband and kin, we are STUPENDOUS!
It;s Jane Fonda's words that RING in my ears when she tells her misogynistic boss; 'You're a sexist egotistical lying hypocritical bigot .. a wart on the nose of humanity and I'm gunna blow it off'... I mean snaps for sass there sister!
NOT THAT I'M A MAN HATER! I love men, I've met some amazing men, (mostly gay ones) but nevertheless amazing, but I've also had my fair share of bullshit...I've been felt up by my boss, lamented by twerps who would rant of their 30+ women whilst sharing a bed with me...but it doesn't make me put them all into one big mesh of 'man' that I judge them all it shouldn't work that way with women either...
I believe that if we let the women get to work on some issues, we could clear up...we could kick ass, I WANT A FEMALE PRIME MINISTER, I want a female president (all hail Hilary Clinton), I want more female CEO's and more skirts in the board rooms... I want Beyonce's anthem to ring true...
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